Our Team

  • Cindy Krum - Mobile & Digital Communication Specialist

    Cindy Krum has worked as the CEO of a mobile-focused marketing and Saas software company since she started it in 2008. She has worked around the world, with companies of all sizes to ensure that their marketing message is effectively communicated on mobile, desktop and smart-home, voice enabled devices. Cindy made a name for in the digital marketing space by being the first to recognize new markets and industry changes years before they are widely recognized by others.

  • Alfie Payne - Online Infrastructure & Development Expert

    Alfie Payne has a background in the technical side of digital communications and management. Previously the MD of a development agency, Alfie now consults with companies around the world about system integrations, infrastructure, processes and technology management. He is known for his innovative, action-oriented commercial and technical thinking and ability to get things done quickly and efficiently.

  • Serena Haywood - Social Media & Messaging Specialist

    Serena has worked to help drive social media communication in both the public and private sectors. She is an expert at crafting messages that will resonate with any target audience, and drive both on and offline behavior. She has a unique talent for drawing facts together into stories and conveying them accurately online across all social channels. Serena can dissect and explain the viral spread of online ideas and concepts, and help companies and policymakers shape or combat the narratives to great effect.

  • Jono Alderson - API, Cloud & Edge Computing Expert

    Jono Alderson is a globally recognized expert in SEO, digital strategy, analytics, and emerging web technologies. He has a proven track record of helping organizations across both public and private sectors to optimize their digital presence. Leveraging decades of experience, he specializes in web standards, structured data, and performance optimization. Jono's strategic insights and technical acumen have supported numerous government initiatives, making him an invaluable partner in shaping policy, preparing for the future, and advancing digital excellence.

  • Michelle Robbins - Governance, Deep Fakes & Data Exploit Expert

    Michelle has a background in publishing, regulation and development. She has worked in roles that leverage her deep understanding of general data and Big Data concepts. Online. She recently completed a Master of Data Science and is using it to help guide corporate policy about the development and leveraging of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at scale. Michelle is deeply passionate about fair and honest political communication online. She is known for being able to explain complex concepts to audiences at every level of understanding and technical background.

  • Lily Ray - Search Rankings & Visibility Specialist

    Lily is a digital marketing veteran who is known for her deep understanding of search engine rankings, mistakes and mis-rankings. She has a keen eye for finding examples of search engine mistakes and oversights - especially as they are related to new technologies like AI assisted search, Discover web feeds and AI search summaries. Lily always has her pulse on the Google algorithm, and which sites and types of content are winning and which are losing. She is fluent in English and Spanish.

  • Fintan Costello - Non-Social Network Manipulation Expert

    Fintan has a deep understanding of how different networks of websites can work together to craft online experiences, messages and interactions - not through obvious social networks of websites, but instead through covertly or privately affiliate groups of websites. He is background in finance and keen understanding of online monetization techniques makes him an asset in any collaboration. He is fluent in English and Dutch.

  • Garrett Sussman

    Garrett Sussman is the Marketing Lead at iPullRank, a MozCon 2024 Speaker, 12+ years in SEO, and host of The SEO Weekly. When he's not crafting content, he's scouting the perfect ice coffee, playing with his daughter, devouring a non-fiction psychology book, or concocting a new recipe in the kitchen.