About StratComHQ

Always innovating and transforming, with trust and quality at our core, our story is one of delivering lasting impact across diverse industries and cultures. This fuels our progress as a human-led, tech-driven business, ready to help our clients meet the challenges of the future.

Social media and viral marketing has changed how populations consume and understand local and national news and politics. At the same time, Google, Amazon and TikTok are changing how people find information. Every government body should be concerned about how they and their citizens find and consume information online.

The growth of AI, disinformation and deep fakes makes all of this even more urgent. If government officials, policymakers and regulators don’t understand how the pieces fit together and are afraid to ask, then effective regulation will become untenable.

That is where we come in.

Between social media, search and video streaming, the internet is now a huge part of every citizen’s life. Unfortunately, most governments and regulators are woefully under-prepared to manage and regulate it.

We are here to change that.